10 Trucos y Consejos para Pintar por Números - Pintar Números® • 696⁣090⁣522 📞

10 Tips and Tricks for Painting by Numbers

Get Spectacular Results with these 10 Paint by Number Tips and Tricks.

Get Spectacular Results with these 10 Tips and Tricks

1. Spread the paint evenly and do not leave an area half painted, this way you will avoid that the limits can be poorly delineated. Fixing it later is usually much more difficult. That is, if you start a zone, it is best to finish it.

2. No put one paint layer too thick If you don't want the surface to be uneven and cracks open when the paint dries. In addition, you will prevent the paint on the brush from drying out earlier, achieving a much more regular and controllable stroke.

3. If more paint is needed to make the color even, wait for the first coat to dry to give it other coats of paint.

4. Clean the brush often with water and dry it a little with kitchen paper, just to remove excess water. When cleaning the brush, do not press it hard into the bottom of the container, the ideal way to do this is dab the edge of the container.

5. Always use at least two containers with water, one for a quick wash and one for a good rinse. This will prevent paint from entering the brush cap and you will extend its useful life.

6. In order for the painting to acquire a greater vividness and we can cover the pre-printed numbers and lines on the canvas, it is recommended review some areas and colors applying another coat of paint once the picture has been completely painted.

7. The accidental paint splashes they can be easily removed once the paint has dried, either by scraping them off with a toothpick or hiding them with a brush after a couple of days.

8. We recommend that you apply a coat of varnish to the painting once you finish it for preserve the brightness and intensity of the paint, thus avoiding discoloration and premature wear when exposed to light.
Do not worry if you do not know where to get varnish or what type of varnish to apply, all our kits They include special varnish for acrylic paint, so you won't have to worry about a thing.

9. A good lighting it is essential. Use multiple lamps if there is not enough ambient light and it is necessary. A front-facing floor lamp and a lamp that illuminates the painting from above is recommended.

10. Take advantage of all our kits come with frame mounted for paint the edges of the canvas that remain unpainted with the corresponding color. Just imagine that the boundaries of the zones go a bit beyond the box. The end result will be spectacular!




11. If you want to get a perfect delimitation of areas, take very little paint and no Let neither the brush nor the paint dry. For this we will always paint small areas, taking little paint and soaking and drying the brush often.


12. FINAL RECOMMENDATION ONLY FOR EXPERIENCED: Use the ZIGZAG technique. A simple and very effective technique to make the result even more professional. We leave you direct access to the explanatory video of the artist "PaintyKat".
We hope that these indications are useful to you and bring you closer and closer to achieving more spectacular results with your designs.


Although you already know that the most important thing is to enjoy the process regardless of the final result. That's how magical painting is.
See all articles in The PAINT NUMBERS ™ BLOG


Los dos potes blancos que incluimos son de barniz, por lo que no deberás comprarlo aparte ya que lo incluimos en nuestros kits de pintura premium. Para aplicarlo solo debes esperar a tener el cuadro totalmente pintado y 100% seco. Bastará con que apliques una capa de barniz con los pinceles a todo el cuadro. Si te sobra barniz y lo deseas, puedes aplicar una segunda capa de barniz.

Judit de Pintar Números —

Sois muchos los que nos habéis pedido una guía para colgar el cuadro con nuestros accesorios de forma fácil y segura. Así que como siempre, os hemos escuchado y ya podéis acceder a la guía completa aquí: https://bit.ly/colgar-cuadro

Jorge de Pintar Números —

Gracias por tu mensaje Gema, la mejor manera de lidiar con colores claros rebeldes es aplicando una segunda capa de pintura cuando la primera capa ya este 100% seca. Seguimos mejorando tanto el tono e intensidad de los números y líneas pre impresas en el lienzo como con la cantidad y calidad del pigmento de las pinturas para que sigáis teniendo siempre la mejor experiencia posible.

Judit de Pintar Números —

Por favor como se aplica el barniz? Vienen 2 tarros y 1 tubito y no se como se utiliza ,por favor me pueden explicar ? Gracias.

Maria jose —

Hola, cómo se hace cuando el color es demasiado claro y se sigue viendo el número, y por favor me podéis recomendar un barniz, gracias

Gema —

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